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The Decisive Act

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The Decisive Act Empty The Decisive Act

Post by Asra Impavida Wed Mar 01, 2023 11:47 am

The Decisive Act

1984 wrote:"To mark the paper was a decisive act."
"The consequences of every act are included in the act itself."
Everything we do within this space is a decisive act. Whether in haste or whether we take the time to formulate, calculate, or consider...it makes no difference. There is no taking something back once it has been done. Thus, why ignorance is intolerable in the dark-side spaces such as these.
The warnings are everywhere. This path is not for everyone, this is a path that is meant to make you fail. But, what you then do with that failure is up to you. There is no shame in admitting to your flaws and finding something which suits you better, but there is shame in feigning ignorance, in denying that which you already know, in lying to yourself about yourself, and then coming up with a myriad of excuses as to why you cannot perform. There is no shame in admitting to weakness, but there is shame in not accepting the plain consequences of your actions.

Everything is a decisive act. 

Every response to every question posed...is decisive. 

Every decision to enter into any deal, any contract, any video-call, or any exercise, is decisive.

Every denial, refusal, and even the attitude posed...is a decisive act.

And this teaches us "resolve". There can be no mistakes if you stick to your resolve...there can only be lessons. Many times, these lessons are about our own shotcomings, and, it shows us where we need to improve upon ourselves...but that is a lesson regardless. In sticking to our resolve, we forge for ourselves a set of armor. It may be weak at first, but as we grow more confident in holding our own, in standing our ground, and keeping our position- the armor we make becomes stronger each time that it is shattered.

In taking to a place such as this...you have made a decision that the darkness is something you seek but you needs be aware of the consequences in knowing that darkness. In writing that first intro and that first word, you are committing to studying a path that may not agree with you. In sharing your thoughts and opinions, you are opening yourself up for fire from others who might find you to be easy prey- and you need to be prepared for the consequences in engaging with the more 'feral' minded people, the more aggressive initiates and lurkers. In taking on a Master, you are accepting that you will be broken down into nothing and, if you can survive that, you might just be rebuilt as something greater than before - but even then, there will be consequences. In order to gain, you are going to lose. You choose this path to be someone different than who you arrived as...and when the full weight of what that means hits you, then you must be willing to accept that. But...you need always remember that this is a "decision". No one is forcing your hand. So...make sure that you know yourself before pen goes to paper, fingers go to keys.

Do not lose yourself to delusion. This path is not an "easy out" for all of your problems. The dark-side path does not create a magical button which will instantly fix every struggle that life has to offer. The dark-side offers tools so that you, with your own power, can formulate and execute your own solution...but it does nothing on its own, and it does nothing for free. There is still consequence to every action, only, in taking down this path you learn to deal with consequence, to recover from consequence, to learn from it and become stronger from consequence. So, do not be lured by false promises. Do not be lured by fantastical tales from those that cannot provide any proof of their abilities. Do not be seduced by those that only wish to feed off of you.

And, if you choose to drink from the well of poison and find yourself in a spot...

Remember...that too was a decisive act.
Asra Impavida
Asra Impavida

Posts : 182
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2023-02-28
Location : United States


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