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Order of Sith Realists
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Media Channel Notes & Guidelines

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Do you have a YouTube or other media channel you create content for?

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Media Channel Notes & Guidelines Empty Media Channel Notes & Guidelines

Post by Asra Impavida Fri May 19, 2023 6:24 am

Welcome to the media channel. 
The point of this channel is to remember that despite our journey into empowerment, we are all human. As such, we all find things that we enjoy...we still find things humororous, inspiring, and even thought provoking. In the current day and age, many find their information and inspiration through various forms of media, especially through things such as YouTube and TikTok. Content creation in this way has become very large among all sorts of groups. While this is a channel for all sorts of media, we do want to try and keep things organized, so, we have created some guidelines for using this channel.

  • If you are a content creator, you are allowed to create a thread showing off your own channel. We would like the forum title to be clear as to what it is...for example:
    [YouTube User Name] - YouTube Channel would be an appropriate title. In the main post, it would be wise to explain what your YouTube Channel focuses on, therefore stating what sort of content others might come to expect from you. The same goes for TikTok.

  • When posting a YouTube video, try making it know what your intentions are when posting or sharing if you are creating a new topic. Adding tags like "inspirational" / "Discussion" / "Question" / "Funny" can really help others sort through that which they would like to see. [YouTube video name] - tag would be an appropriate title.

  • More guidelines might be created if we see that the media channel is becoming too chaotic and disorganizaed for use.
Asra Impavida
Asra Impavida

Posts : 182
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2023-02-28
Location : United States


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