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Order of Sith Realists
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Order of Sith Realists
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Music Gallery Notes and Guidelines

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Music Gallery Notes and Guidelines Empty Music Gallery Notes and Guidelines

Post by Asra Impavida Fri May 19, 2023 6:45 am

Welcome to the Music Gallery

Victor Hugo wrote:“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent”

The goal of the music gallery is to further inspire and empower through the use of music. Music has been shown to amplify our thoughts and our feelings. Music has veen been used to treat injuries and things like mental illness. It is a powerful tool though most would pass it off as merely something used for "entertainment". Though music can ground us, inspire us, or take us deep within our very souls - there are some guidelines to keep this section as organized as possible.

  • Each user is allowed one playlist - so, every user is allowed to create one new topic where they share their music playlist.
  • If you want to do a little extra work, feel free to describe the music you are sharing, how it benefits you, what you use it for and/or when you listen to the track the most.
Asra Impavida
Asra Impavida

Posts : 182
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2023-02-28
Location : United States


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