Order of Sith Realists
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Order of Sith Realists
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Order of Sith Realists
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VI - Pragmatism & Stratification

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VI - Pragmatism & Stratification Empty VI - Pragmatism & Stratification

Post by Asra Impavida Sun May 21, 2023 7:58 am

VI. Pragmatism & Stratification
[By: Dark Lady Scorn / Revision by: Kami Seiko & Sopho Tremis]

Dark Lady Kami Seiko:
OoSR is an order of Sith Realists- and in speaking in matters of pragmatism, it is the belief that unpractical ideas are to be rejected.
What does not serve you is best left thrown away so that your focus can be on that which inspires and empowers you. But, this also means there must be some discernment on what really serves you and what is mere fantasy. To not lose one's self to delusion and to focus on that which is real and plausible per your practice and experience is important.
On stratification, as you can see...those in our Order have been separated into groups. The reason why should be clear. As we take inspiration from the mythos of the Sith...the fiction, under our logo you will see a quote from Darth Bane:

Darth Bane wrote:"Equality is a lie. A myth to appease the masses."

That holds true, that equality in the broad sense is a lie...but equality in the ranks is something else entirely. You gain rank and title for that which you have earned. Just as those in any physical sport earn titles and trophies based on their performance (which they hone by practice and discipline), so too do Interlopers become Acolytes & Aspirants become Lords and Ladies through dedication and effort. A Lord/Lady is equal to that of another Lord/Lady & and Interloper is equal with other Interlopers until they have advanced. In this way we build unity and camraderie so that we might stand stronger together than divided. This is what sets us apart from other Temples and Orders.

. . .

Apprentice Sopho Tremis:
We're using the word "realism" as philosophical term - referring to physical world and non-physical (mathematical, conceptual,...) we're perceiving. 
We are realists in ontological sense - We accept reality as is, then we manipulate it through means accessible to us.
Sith realism means that we took inspiration from fiction and apply it, where it could be useful.


1. Do you consider yourself to be "realist"? In your understanding of world? 
2. What does Sith realism means to you? (500 words or more)
3. In your own words, define what pragmatism means to you.
4. In your own words, define what stratification means to you.
5. What is egalitarianism and why wouldn’t Sith support it?

6. What is equity and why wouldn’t Sith grant it? 
7. What skills do you find most useful and why?
Asra Impavida
Asra Impavida

Posts : 182
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Join date : 2023-02-28
Location : United States


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