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II - The Force

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II - The Force Empty II - The Force

Post by Asra Impavida Sun May 21, 2023 8:36 am

II. The Force
[By: Dark Lady Scorn / Revisions and Editing by: Dark Lady Kami Seiko]

OoSR recognizes the existence of an energetic current which flows through and connects the living world; we label this current as The Force. Those we call Force Sensitives are individuals who are sensitive to this current and can be trained to work with it. Examples of Force senses include clairvoyance (sight), clairaudience (hearing), clairgustance (taste), clairsalience (scent), claircognizance (knowing), clairsentience (body sense), clairempathy (emotion), clairtangency (physical touch). In addition, Force sensitives can use these senses as a means to see through time, detect force sensitivity in others, or to sense movement in another room; it's also possible to use The Force to influence people and animals. 

In the occult, The Force would be seen as Magick - used for spells and rituals, to manifest and bend the universe to create a desired result.

It is also our view that The Force is a whole, composed of a dark aspect and a light aspect. The light aspect is life giving and passive, while the dark aspect is life taking and aggressive. These two aspects continually self balance, resulting in the world as we know it. Furthermore, it is a commonly held belief here, that both aspects of The Force have a will of a sort, though not in the sense it's connected to a personality. Due to this, we do not lean into religious dogma, such as a belief in objective good or evil. What we do believe is that one can be weighted more heavily in one aspect than the other, which has real world impact, ranging from physical strain for the dark aspect to healing abilities by means of the light aspect.

1. In your own words, explain The Force.

2. Spend 15-30 minutes for 7 days in the following meditation:

Sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Close your eyes. Begin by breathing. Slowly, deliberately. In through your nose... Holding briefly... Releasing slowly. Repeat. Focus on the floor beneath you. Feel its temperature. Feel it texture. Feel its firmness or softness. Relax your body, though do not slouch. Keep breathing... Slowly. Focus your awareness. Feel your body. Focus on your limbs. Focus on your heart beat. Focus on the blood, moving through your veins. In knowing every aspect of your body and the energy within, you should become familiar with how The Force flows through you. Over time, as you become more familiar with this Force, you can then learn to manipulate it and expand it further. If you feel this is something you can already do...then make the attempt.

Focus, expanding slowly beyond your body. Feel the objects nearest you. Feel their shape. Feel their weight. Feel their definition. Feel if they are sharp or soft. Feel their material. Expand out further... Feeling the walls around you. Expand further. Sense what is beyond those walls. Maintain focus on all of the objects, letting their definition just exist. 

(Do you feel it? A small current? A flow? A trickle? A tingling? A subtle vibration? If so, that's The Force.)

4. Do the same meditation as above for the same time, for 7 days. Try it while focusing on various emotions and see how this shifts the way The Force feels and flows within you.

5. In no less than 600 words (more is welcome), write about your experience. 

6. Select a Force sense and explain how it could be used in the real world. For example - through a career.

7. In your own words, explain your understanding of the dark aspect and light aspect of The Force.
Asra Impavida
Asra Impavida

Posts : 182
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2023-02-28
Location : United States


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