Order of Sith Realists
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Order of Sith Realists
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Order of Sith Realists
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The Order's Code

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The Order's Code Empty The Order's Code

Post by Asra Impavida Fri Aug 25, 2023 10:35 am

The Order's Code Code110

  • Do not become a liability
  • OoSR requires all Interlopers and members to be at least 18 years of age (No Exceptions). 
  • Act with respect
  • Practice accountability
  • Go with honor
  • You get out what you put in
  • Attention is earned
  • Equality is a lie 

We have thought long and hard about what sort of "code" or rules that our Order should have and the people that should represent out Order. 
The reason why our code was made to be so short is because we believe in the raw nature of individuals to a point, and we would see your true selves flourish while you are here. But, there had to be some manner of rule implemented so that the Order itself is NOT responsible for any breaches in a code of conduct that could become a liability. As such, the code explains itself. 

No minors are allowed here. This is because the topics discussed and some of the things practiced in the darker and higher arts are that of a mature nature. We believe in the ability to consent in which minors can not. As we also follow the mundane laws, no matter your argument, there is no exception on the rules. You MUST be 18-years-old in order to join. If you join under false pretenses then OoSR takes no responsibility for your own interactions as you have been advised that minors are not welcome nor allowed. You accept all responsibility yourself if you lie in order to get into our website.

Former Sith Temples & Sites have been a playground for bullying and petty drama. OoSR wants to be something better than that - which is why we ask that you act with respect. Intellectual battles are allowed via our arena but, once it devolves into drama, stalking, doxxing, and trolling...that is where we will step in. I think we can all be mature enough here that no one needs get banned, but the council will act appropriately if any of our codes are broken. 

You are here because you wish to taste what the darkness has to offer - but NO ONE is here to hold your hand. You and you alone are responsible for your own success here. This is why much of our content is locked behind a wall until after you have finished the basic course. Only those who are motivated and those who truly crave power and knowledge will actually succeed here...and this means that our number will always be few. If you are looking for a thriving community well, I wouldn't look here as we are select and we are elite in that anyone that makes it past the introduction course is very strong of will. This is not a roleplay site, this is not even a "social" site. This is a place of learning and you will gain from it only if you put in the effort. There are no Masters that will scoop you up and hand you all the answers...you're going to have to work for it. Masters will recognize your effort and ability. So strive to be the best student you can be.

Lastly, "equality is a lie" only in as far as...you are equal by your rank, but never equal in your ability. The interloper who has taken a break from assignments to do shadow work is greater than the interloper who has fallen silent and then fades into oblivion. A Master is a Master though their specialties are different, thus one is greater in philosophy and one in the higher arts. Equality in rank is not the same as equal in talent...but that we should respect one another all the same for the efforts we have put in. Remember that. 
You're not here to attack others and place them under foot. You're here to ascend. There is a difference.
Asra Impavida
Asra Impavida

Posts : 182
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2023-02-28
Location : United States


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